The Almetto Howey Alexander Labyrinth Foundation
Board of Directors

The board is saddened that our Founder has passed. But we rejoice in the understanding that Almetto - in all her generosity - has left us with guidelines so that we may carry on.

We would like to share a few:
First, make beautiful things, for they are expressions of our acknowledgement and our gratitude.
Then, make those beautiful things unique. For each person. Each moment. Each circumstance is precious and sacred.
Third: if you encounter someone who has fallen into a hole - a hole of poverty, of despair, of pain - then get a ladder and help them out of that hole.
We need so many ladders.....
And Almetto taught us that we are all of us walking The Path.
And with persistence, patience, and a God-filled heart, we will find ourselves centered.
From that place, we may go out into the world and do our Real Work.

And remember: if a person like Almetto Howey Alexander invites you to participate in her Dream?

Then we suggest that you respond - without hesitation, "Yes Ma'am".

And again, "Yes Ma'am".

Thank you Almetto for these gifts. May we use them to build upon your legacy and vision

as the beautiful and unique light shines upon us and illuminates The Way.


Wendy Mills

Harriett Whiting

Mary D Dolby

Rev. James Humphrey

Natheley McElrath

Evelyn Hollis

Dena Paulding

Sabrina Scott

James Alexander, Esq.

Sylvia Pate

Maxine Martin

Al Austin

Sonja Johnson

Tom Schulz